Meditation Journal – Day 7

Vipassana Meditation Day 7

am 1hr

Proper. Crawling steadily, with sure awareness through every inch, feeling what’s there, the agonies and ecstasies right here in this organism. All of life is here, or all of my life, in each cell and part of the body. In the one hour, after the chants and some awareness of breath, some dreams. Only one trip from head to feet and one back to the head and the seeming release of it all at the crown, with its delicate energy. Along the way each part responding on its own to the attention, tightening up, trembling, loosening, tingling, getting hot, each different, each relishing the company or attention at last, probably after years and years of neglect. And this from a yoga-practitioner, so it’s not as if I’ve been ignoring my body. Yet in a way, I have. This is supreme listening. Yoga tends to be ‘now we are going to do this, like it or not,’ or an imposition. Perhaps healthy but an imposition. This meditation is too simple to be an imposition, more a subtle listening and steady moving, inching, noticing reactions while reacting, and allowing. With nothing else going on – thinking, opposing, objecting. No, this is not multi-tasking.

pm 1hr

After working out and a shower, perhaps a little too sleepy. Literally nodding off several times during the first half, coming back out as quickly as I went into micro dreams. Second half more energy but only a cursory scan up and down, the rest of the time rather causal awareness of breath, mind going over some of the days events. Which is probabably beneficial in itself.

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